The NECS 2025 programme will be displayed below in due time before the conference, and will be sent to the participants by mail. The NECS 2025 Progamme hourly time schedule for each day is attached below. For those interested in topics for earlier conferences, the NECS 2023 full programme can be downloaded from the EARLIER NECS CONFERENCES drop down meny.
The titles from the 15 invited speakers are are shown under meny INVITED SPEAKERS 2025. Per 15 January we have received in addition 36 abstracts for oral and poster contributions with highly interesting topics. The titles of these are shown below. We expect more interesting contributions by the registration and abstract deadline of 10.02.2025.
ORAL PRESENTATIONS by 15 January 2025 |
Seasonal monitoring of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in surface waters and implications for managed aquifer recharge systems. |
Progress achieved in EURAMET project 21GRD09 MetroPOEM: Metrology for the harmonisation of measurements of environmental pollutants in Europe. |
Is it possible to easily distinguish the effects of climate change and the decline in acid rain on trends in water chemistry? |
Mapping of airborne microplastics and endotoxins as a potential combined workplace hazard. |
Land-sea-air exchange of natural halogenated compounds in Northern Sweden. |
Three decades of Arctic pollution research and monitoring - steps towards solutions. |
Chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) in coastal waters. |
Environmental impact of plastic leachates in terrestrial environments: An effect-based study at Lisle Lyngøyna. |
Changes of soil organic matter along thaw transects of permafrost peat plateaus in Finmark, Norway. |
Integrated assessment of pollution sources of metals and PFAS in Smålandsfarvandet, Denmark. |
Demonstration of in situ real-time monitoring of PAHs from produced water in the North Sea –enhance selectivity and sensitivity with membrane extraction. |
PFAS, inorganic arsenic and methyl mercury in selected seafood samples. |
Next generation risk assessment (NGRA) of chemicals and chemical mixtures. |
Bioaccumulation and effects of legacy and novel PFAS in blue mussels exposed to an extract of AFFF impacted soil. |
Human health and environment in a generational perspective. |
Elevated levels of mercury and POPs in demersal fish from Ytre Sklinnadjupet, an open sea area in the Norwegian Sea. |
Modelling and monitoring of transport and bioaccumulation of PCBs at an abandoned military radar station in the Icelandic Arctic. |
Determination of nanoparticles and elements in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) along the Norwegian coastline. |
Identification, relative uptake, and effects of PFAS from AFFF and AFFF-impacted soil in Atlantic salmon hepatocytes. |
Investigating tire wear particles with online mass spectrometry. |
Understanding the pollution composition and dispersion from an old landfill to the environment through a suspect screening approach: The Brånåsen case. |
Risk governance of per- and polyfluroalkyl substances (PFAS) as a chemical class. |
Four-year study of microplastics in the fjords of Svalbard and in the open waters of the Arctic. |
POSTER PRESENTATIONS by 15 january 2025 |
Unravelling tire wear particles in the atmosphere: On the of use of PTR-MS for detecting rubber additives as marker compounds. |
Emission profiles of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAHs and their major transformation products) from energy production in Longyearbyen, Svalbard |
Advanced quantification of tire ware additives: 6PPDQ as an example. |
Introduced changes in pH and reduction-oxidation potential in mire soils from discontinued firing range of Vaterholmen camp in Verdalen, Norway. |
Carbon and organic matter cycling in soil and soil water in Boreal and subarctic ecosystems. |
Air-surface exchange of halomethoxybenzenes in Northern Sweden. |
Active air sampling with polyurethane foam: Comparing field observations with a breakthrough model. |
The potential role of epigenetic biomarkers in risk management of occupational exposure to Cr(VI). |
The fate of heavy metals in the environment of e-waste sites. |
Screening of PFAS in wastewater and sewage sludge from WWTPs in Bergen, Norway. |
Is climate-friendly food packaging a threat to human and environmental health? |
Synthesis and testing of catalysts for green ammonia production. |
Challenges and advances in the detection and quantification of neutral per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFCs). |